Father Jeff kicked off our annual stewardship campaign in early October. Our goal is to:
“Share the vision, build the kingdom. Respond with Love”
He made the point that All Hallows is a volunteer, non-profit church that accomplishes the many things we do to achieve our mission through the generosity of its parishioners – the willful giving of their time, talent AND financial contributions, especially their pledged contributions.
Pledged contributions are extremely important because they are a key element in the preparation of the annual operating budget, which provides for the day-to-day functioning of the Parish. It includes the operating expenses (salaries, utilities, maintenance, supplies, insurance, etc.) and the expected income to cover these expenses. Over the last few years, pledged income has been approximately 67% of the total income needed to keep the Parish functioning. Other income sources include investment income, loose plate donations and rental income.
As we begin the budget process for 2024, we expect many of our expenses to increase, especially for things like utilities, supplies, insurance, etc.
We are asking everyone to thoughtfully and prayerfully consider your financial commitment to the Parish. Ask yourself, “What is All Hallows worth to me”? If you have not pledged in the past, please consider doing so this year. If you have pledged, please do so again at least at the same level, or if possible, at a higher level. Increased pledges are always welcomed!
Our annual Stewardship Campaign concluded on Christ the King Sunday (November 26, 2023). Remember, it is never too late to say “thank you” or to pledge, which is a thank you to the worship and fellowship at All Hallows. Pledge cards may be left in the offering plate.
Pledge cards are available at the Brick Church and the Chapel, or you can complete the online pledge card here.